Sunday, April 7, 2024

Devil May Cry 4 PS3 Install Time Defended by Capcom

When you compare PC gaming and console gaming, one of the things that you like about the latter is that the loading time is very less. However, as consoles are starting to come with hard disk drives, game developers are increasingly looking out to exploit it. Many gamers have complained of the time it takes to install Devil May Cry on the PS3.

Devil May Cry 4

But Chris Kramer, who is the senior director of communications and community for Capcom has defended it. He says, “Wah! The game takes 20 minutes to install the first time. Wah! Have you ever played a PC game? At least we aren’t making you shuffle multiple discs into a ROM drive, or continuously click ‘Yes!’ on a series of endless Windows dialog boxes. Installing on a console may seem like a weird idea, but there’s a real benefit. Unreal Tournament also has an option to install files onto your PS3; I’ve done it and it makes a great game even better.”

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Kramer also refuted the reports he saw on certain websites and said that the PS3 version of Devil May Cry 4 has near-Super Nintendo speed load times. He mentioned that the transition from cut scenes to action is practically instantaneous. But gamers can always play the demo version of the game to check it out. Few days ago, Capcom released a DMC 4 demo.

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