Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Left 4 Dead 2 Scavenge Mode Announced by Valve

Left 4 Dead 2 had its controversies with the huge number of fans boycotting the sequel, and recently developer Valve revealed its intentions for the second game with a 25 million dollar ad campaign. Now Valve has announced the fourth game mode, Scavenge, which is to be included in Left 4 Dead 2, its upcoming zombie thriller.

Left 4 Dead 2 Screenshot

The Scavenge mode drops players in round-based games with up to eight players competing (Survivors vs. Infected). The Survivors have to fight off the Infected as well as race against time to collect gas cans in order to refuel the generator in each map. Each gas can that the Survivors empty into the generator gets their team points as well as adds time to the clock.

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The Infected team on the other hand, plays as the boss Infected and must stop the Survivors from refueling their generator. This can be done by attacking the Survivors, destroying valuable gas cans and by running down the clock. During the course of a round, each team has a chance to play both sides, and the round is won by whichever team succeeds in delivering the most gas cans.

L4D2 will release exclusively for the Xbox 360 and PC on November 17, 2009 and the game features advanced weather effects, world objects and pathways.

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