Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Hottest Gaming News of the Month: August 2009

A first for us here, we bring you the top news of the month. This August what impacted the gaming world most was undoubtedly, the announcements made by Sony and Microsoft regarding their respective consoles. Also up here, is the news of the Ashes Cricket 2009 release, as we in India are big fans of the game, and the release of the new Batman game. Rounding up our selection of the top news is the announcement for the Western release of Monster Hunter Tri and the Halo movie rumor buzz.

Video Games

Well, everyone was just dying in anticipation to hear Sony officially announce the reduction in the price of the PS3 and the launch of the PS3 Slim. Strong rumors of the same had been floating for weeks, if not months. This was possible due to a drop in production cost of the Sony console. On the other hand, and quite unexpectedly, Microsoft first announced the Xbox 360 price cut, and then went on to affirm that the move had nothing to do with, their biggest competitor in the gaming market, Sony’s corresponding announcements. Either way, the gaming industry, everywhere and even in India, seems to be finding its feet once again after the long and arduous period of recession.

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Besides gaming consoles, popular titles have also taken the month by storm. Games like Batman: Arkham Asylum and Ashes Cricket 2009 have made waves all across the gaming industry. In spite of the delay from summer to fall, the highly anticipated Batman installment released last Friday for the Xbox 360 and PS3. It was however declared that the Games for Windows Live version would make its debut later next month. A treat for Indian cricket fans comes in the form of Ashes Cricket 2009. The sports title released early this month on August 7, 2009. Players will be able to experience all the cricketing action in the form of Test Matches, ODIs and even the popular 20-over matches. Packed with stunning realistic graphics, the title offers gamers 8 international stadiums at their disposal. This cricket game even features the likes of Kevin Pietersen, Ricky Pointing and Michael Clark.

Monster Hunter Tri has been released in Japan, but it looked like the eager gamers in the US and Europe would not be getting any monster hunting to do. Until the announcement of the Western release of the game that is. Monster Hunter Tri for the Wii is now expected in Europe and North America in early 2010. Many a rumor also made its appearance in this month’s news lineup. Among them a noteworthy mention is the contemplation of a new Halo movie being produced by famous Hollywood director Steven Spielberg. It has come to our attention that the acclaimed producer is currently in talks with the game’s concerned persons to finalize on the movie adaptation of the title. He seemed to be pleased with the work of Stuart Beattie who wrote a screenplay dubbed as Halo The Fall of Reach which was inspired by the novel penned by Eric Nyland.

Also take a look at our reviews posted up this month. We checked out the popular Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince game, action-oriented Prototype and the casual genre title known as Wii Sports Resort. With the gaming world constantly buzzing with hot news, we look forward to bringing you the latest in gaming next month too, so stay tuned to this space for more news, previews and reviews.

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