Saturday, April 6, 2024

Brink: Agents of Change DLC Free for Two Weeks

The much awaited DLC for Brink finally got a release date recently. Bethesda and Splash Damage had earlier announced that the Agents of Change DLC for Brink would release in June, but they confirmed that it will be made available on August 3 on PSN, Xbox Live and Steam. The update will be free for two weeks and will contain new maps, abilities, character outfits, and weapon attachments.


Two new maps would be added to the game through the DLC. The Founders’ Tower map involves players battling at ‘dizzying heights’ as the revolution reaches the iconic sphere. Labs is located in Ark’s original research and development laboratories which are yet unaffected by the war. Bayonets and Weapon Shields are the weapon upgrades available in the DLC.

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Gamers also receive new abilities in the form of UAVs, Napalm grenades and more. The UAVs allow gamers to automatically mark nearby enemies on their radar. Furthermore, Napalm grenades and Pyro Mine make for explosive materials which can be used at various points during the game. The Field Regen Units enable medics to help nearby teammates to regain their health while the Tactical Scanner allows players to ‘pick off enemies more strategically.’

The DLC also adds two more costumes to title – The Sad Punk and The Limey. Moreover, a game update for Brink is also being offered for PS3 and Xbox 360 users. This update is more or less similar to the one released by developers last month for Brink PC.

The Agents of Change DLC for Brink will be made available to PS3, Xbox 360 and PC gamers on August 2. It will be free for two weeks after which it will cost 9.99 USD (approx Rs. 441) or 800 Microsoft Points.

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