Friday, April 12, 2024

Serious Sam 3 Jewel of the Nile DLC Coming this October

Sam Stone is all set to once again embark on a killing frenzy with the Jewel of the Nile DLC which is slated to arrive for PC in October this year. Three new campaign missions revolving around the story of the original game will be included in this pack.

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These new objectives will have Stone track down a powerful artifact situated on an ancient island, in order to achieve the goal of swinging the tide of battle against Mental’s invading alien horde. He will enter the mysterious Temple of Isis where a ‘monstrous temple guardian’ waits for him. This episode will be set in middle of the main game’s narrative.

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Davor Hunski, Chief Creative Guy at developer Croteam, commented, “Croteam is very excited about the reception Serious Sam 3: BFE received from our fans so we’ve worked really hard to make sure the Jewel of the Nile expansion tells more of Sam’s story and cranks up the insanity.”

Apart from hordes of Mental’s forces, two ‘familiar monstrous’ faces will also be re-introduced to the game with the DLC, claims the title’s developer. Moreover, Sam’s weapon arsenal is also set to undergo an expansion, while the favorite guns from the original game – the laser gun and sniper rifle, will be retained in the new missions.

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Price and release date information about the Jewel of the Nile DLC for Serious Sam 3 is still to be revealed. Available only for PC and Mac, this game can be purchased now via Steam at 39.99 USD (approx. Rs. 2,235).

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