Sunday, April 7, 2024

iBox? iStation? Will There Be A Gaming Console by Apple

According to Jesse Tortora, a leading analyst, Apple could well follow Microsoft and come out with a gaming console of its own.

Apple Logo Jesse Tortora said “We think the videogame market represents a distinct possibility for Apple, especially considering that it recently announced the availability of videogames for its iPod through its iTunes store. The game console device could be morphed out of some combination of the MacMini and iTV, while the handheld player could be developed as an enhancement for a future version of the widescreen iPod.” He added “The videogame console market is notorious for subsidizing hardware to sell profitable games. Apple would have to either rely on the sales of its games and downloadable movies to make enough profit to cover losses on hardware or figure out a strategy to make profits on hardware itself.”

Apple revolutionized the music industry and the way people downloaded and listened to music when it unleashed the iPod. So there is a big chance that it will even change the videogaming industry. Till then we have the Xbox 360s, PS3s and Wiis.

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