Saturday, April 6, 2024

Ratchet and Resistance Action Figures Now Available

Ratchet & Clank, the mismatched pair of inter-galactic superheroes, recently gave us something to cheer about. But for so many hardcore PS3 fans, the Resistance series of video games remains a core favourite. And recently there was even a rumour that Resistance 3 might be in development.

Ratchet & Clank and Resistance Action Figures

Cristian Cardona, Associate Product Manager, Software Marketing, writes on the PlayStation Blog that a series of action figures based on PlayStation’s best-selling video game franchises Ratchet & Clank and Resistance is now available at local comic book retailers. Last spring it became known that DC Unlimited was working on action figures from these video game franchises. And now finally Insomniac fans can get their hands on action figures based on their favourite characters.

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There are four sets of action figures for each franchise listed, and the figures from the Ratchet & Clank series come in pairs. In the Resistance franchise the action figures available are a 6 inch Chimera Advanced Hybrid action figure, a 5 inch Nathan Hale with Swarmer action figure, a 7 inch Ravager action figure, and a 6 inch Steelhead action figure.

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