Thursday, April 4, 2024

Street Fighter IV: Volt Arrives on Apple App Store

Street Fighter, one of the oldest arcade games has now made its way to the iOS. Having the same 2D graphics as previous games of the series, Street Fighter IV: Volt developed by Capcom offers a new multiplayer features. Players can battle over Wi-Fi or Bluetooth connections.

Street Fighter IV: Volt iPhone

The game features an on screen four button Visual Pad controller system, enabling players to perform various moves through different key combinations. The title comprises of seventeen playable characters. Among them Balrog, Vega and Cody mark their presence in the iOS title for the very first time.

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The game seems to wrap in much more than gamers are going to anticipate. And the unlocking of special avatars wirelessly through V.S. matches seems to be the highlight.

The game is originally priced at 6.99 USD (approx. Rs. 311) but is available at discounted rates, ranging between 0.99 USD (approx. Rs. 44) to 5.99 USD (approx. Rs. 267) till July 5, 2011. Supported devices are iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPod touch 3G and iPod touch 4G running on iOS 4.2.

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