Friday, April 12, 2024

OnLive Ownership Shifts, Service and Name to Remain Unchanged

OnLive has seen quite a turmoil for the past one week, and it is finally clear now that the cloud-gaming company has been acquired by Lauder Partners. It all started last week when the former corporation filed for a form of bankruptcy while laying off almost half of its employees, according to reports.

OnLive Logo

Its new owners have announced that the services of this company will continue without interruption, whereas all customer purchases will stay unharmed as well. It has also come to light that the corporation will be coming up with ‘major announcements’ of new products and services in the coming months. Furthermore, it has been revealed that an associate of Lauder Partners was the first to invest in this newly-structured company, owing to the apparent fact that cloud gaming is the future of computing and entertainment.

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All services pertaining to the company have been operational without interruption ever since its launch two years ago. The new owners have assured all gamers that products and services will remain available all throughout in the future. They have also mentioned that ‘almost half’ of the company’s original staff has been retained, and that too with their current salaries. Moreover, the non-hired staff will be offered to do consulting in return for options in the company. New employees will start being hired once additional funding is closed.

Much was being talked about over the past one week about what effects these business disorders will have on the services of OnLive, but with the assurances of the new owners, customers can now breathe a sigh of relief.

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