Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Microsoft Working on Universal Video Capture for Xbox 360 Games?

Halo 3 was really awesome with its replays and video capture tools. But what if you could do that for every game? Wouldn’t that be something! But if each developer spent time in implementing this, that would be time off production of the game and prevalent game delays.

Microsoft Universal Video Capture

A video game developer seemed to suggest that Microsoft is working on a universal video capture system for Xbox 360 games, when asked by video game blog Kotaku, at this year’s Tokyo Game Show, if they would use the video capture in their game. The developer said, “We’d love to have video capture in our game, but why work on something that the platform holder is already developing.” Due to the apparent major slip up, the developer’s identity is being kept a secret.

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But when the website asked Microsoft’s Scott Austin, director of digital games at Live, what he made of this new possibility, Austin coyly replied, “We are always thinking about ways that Live at the platform level can make games better. I’m not going to comment on video capture, but you can assume we are thinking about ways to make things more interactive.”

That could mean a variety of things. But the fact remains, Microsoft’s Scott Austin didn’t deny a possibility of universal video capture on the Xbox 360. Whether this is only an idea, or whether it is something already in development, it might take us some time to know for sure.

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