Friday, April 5, 2024

THQ unveils Fantastic Pets on Kinect for Xbox 360

In an effort to make virtual gaming as seamlessly real as possible, THQ announced the release of a game tablet for Wii due this November. The virtual seams are now ready to burst as THQ announces its first controller-free Augmented Reality game, Fantastic Pets on Kinect for Xbox 360.

Fantastic Pets

Presenting its players with an interactive encounter, Fantastic Pets mirrors its gamers on the digital screens where their kinetic and vocal abilities enable them to interact with a personally tailored pet of their likeness. Ferocious dragons and mystical unicorns can be summoned from the four domestic animals that players begin with.

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“Fantastic Pets offers an incredibly high level of interactivity, creativity and originality,” stated Martin Good, Executive Vice President, THQ Kids, Family, Casual Games, and Global Online Services. “As you discover your pet’s personality and become enmeshed within the world, Fantastic Pets becomes more like a personalized adventure and less like a game.”

Kinect will allow players to accompany their imaginary pets in the virtual world and care for them while playing alongside their creations. Succeeding in mini-games and Talent Shows while controlling pets through voice recognition will ascend gamers to become a Pet Trainer. Additionally, players can take pictures of pets as well as their own selves and share it with friends and family as well as unlock new activities and items as they progress in-game.

Created by Blitz Games Studios, Fantastic Pets is meant to breach limits of both worlds, digital and actual, on Kinect for Xbox 360 in March 2011. The exact pricing and availability details of the title are still under wraps.

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