Saturday, April 6, 2024

Nintendo to Release FlingSmash with Wii Remote Plus

During this year’s Nintendo Conference, the gaming giant made several announcements about its titles and accessories. Unveiling the forthcoming Wii Remote Plus at the event, the company announced that the new offering will feature superior motion sensing capabilities. To extend an enthralling time for gamers, an innovative title dubbed FlingSmash will be available alongside this offering and the Wii Remote Plus accessory in a bundled pack.

FlingSmash Screenshot

In this title, gamers can traverse through the tropical Suthon Island which has been attacked by the wicked Omminus. They will have to control a ball-shaped hero namely Zip to protect this uniquely crafted land from the evil. As players progress in this tennis meets pinball title, the hero will face challenging tasks as it molds into casts of differing balls. By collecting a minimum of three medallions from a total of five, they can ascend from a level to another while racking points on their way.

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The experience yielded out of this classic sidescroller will be enhanced with the new Wii Remote Plus. Replicating player’s movements with seamless precision, it will come handy while leveling up through eight colorful settings which have been integrated in the game. With an additional remote, a friend can jump into gameplay as Pip for unlocking eight mini-games and extra levels. Besides, the design of this title allows left handed players to position Zip on the other side as per their convenience.

FlingSmash will be unleashed with the new Wii Remote Plus on November 19, 2010. The exact pricing and availability details are still under the shade.

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