Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Wii Remote Plus to Release Across Europe Next Month

Earlier this month, the Nintendo Conference played host to the Wii Remote Plus and three new titles namely Donkey Kong Country Returns, The Last Story and Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. The company now announces an updated Wii Remote complete with integrated Wii MotionPlus hardware dubbed as the Wii Remote Plus.

Wii Remote Plus

Through this latest offering, players can expect heightened precision and accuracy without having the need to attach any additional add-ons. The familiar physical dimensions of the standard Wii Remote are seen retained in this product as well. Gamers can plug in other compatible peripherals like the Classic Controller and Nunchuk at the base of the remote.

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The company reveals that the Wii Remote Plus will function the same way as the two previously separate offerings did. All the player’s arm and wrist movements are claimed to be accurately detected onscreen with the employment of the latest addition. Games like FlingSmash and Wii Sports Resort can be played and enjoyed with the new amalgamation.

The Wii Remote Plus will enter European stores on November 5, 2010 and will be drenched in four hues namely pink, blue, white and black.

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