Friday, April 12, 2024

Study reveals that Tetris has positive impact on the brain

Tetris first took the world by storm way back in 1984. The puzzle video game was programmed and designed by Alexey Pajitnov from Moscow. Researchers have now found out that playing this highly addictive game not only brings hours of fun but also has positive effects on the brain.


According to CNET News, this piece of revelation was disclosed by The Mind Research Network. This company is a nonprofit organization which deals with mental illnesses and examines brain injuries. The group dedicated three months and its donations to find out the effect of Tetris on teenage girls.

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The scientists came up with the conclusion that the game seems to give girls a thicker cortex while creating more brain efficiency in other gray areas. Dr. Jung stated, “We did our Tetris study to see if mental practice increased cortical thickness, a sign of more gray matter.”

He further added, “If it did, it could be an explanation for why previous studies have shown that mental practice increases brain efficiency. More gray matter in an area could mean that the area would not need to work as hard during Tetris play.”

The study was conducted on 26 girls and the study notes reveal that none of the test subjects were under any prescription medication.

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