Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Mass Effect 2 to get new Arrival DLC?

We’ve heard very little from Bioware since Mass Effect 2 traversed into the PS3 realm. However, fans of the franchise need not be disappointed as it seems that there is some more fodder to chew. Well, a gamer dubbed Vamplosion has reported about the possibility of a new expansion pack namely Arrival wrapped with three trophies through a post on the official Bioware forum.

ME2 DLC Arrival

The grapevine in the terrain has been churning out varying speculations about this rumored add-on. Numerous players believe that ‘Arrival’ will trace the game’s route towards the next Mass Effect chapter. Whether the genuine status of the DLC is similar or not, the trophies on the roll include The Ultimate Sacrifice, Last Stand and Covert Action.

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The roster of updated trophies has apparently expanded subsequent to a patch which was released recently for the PS3 version of the game. Though not much information is known as of now, rumors state that the trophy entitled Covert Action could entail a mission revolving around some Dr. Kenson. Apparently, this character was mentioned in an update unleashed by the Cerberus Network a couple of days ago.

We’ve not heard an official word from either Bioware or Electronics Arts on this matter yet.

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