Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Mass Effect 3 Leviathan DLC is Legit says Voice Actor

It was being said that the code of the Extended Cut DLC included script sparking off speculation that there might be a Mass Effect 3 Leviathan DLC coming up in the future. This news has now been corroborated by a voice actor from the game, but no specific date has been revealed by him regarding the release of the add-on. Gamers must note that spoilers follow in the content below.

Mass Effect 3

An actor named Anthony Skordi spoke to Eurogamer yesterday, disclosing that the Leviathan DLC is indeed in the making from BioWare. The story of the DLC takes place before the end of the title. It will revolve around a double-crossing Reaper named Leviathan. Skordi, who has lent his voice for this character, has disclosed that in spite of being a Reaper, Leviathan has been separated from the rest of the forces for killing one of its own kind.

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Commander Shepard will meet this character during a rescue mission undertaken by him in order to save scientist Ann Brynson, who is being held by a Reaper-indoctrinated mining facility which falls under the control of Leviathan. It is also expected that this DLC will enlighten us with more information on the origins of the Reapers. Players will apparently even be able to have Leviathan join Shepard’s forces and become a war asset.

There is no official word yet from BioWare regarding the Mass Effect 3 Leviathan DLC. We expect the developer to reveal full details at the San Diego Comic-Con which is all set to commence this weekend.

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