Friday, April 12, 2024

LittleBigPlanet costume DLC to be made Compatible with New LBP Games

With two LittleBigPlanet games gearing up for release later this year, somewhat of a treat seems to be lined up for fans of the beloved series. And what’s all the more fulfilling for them is the fact that they would be able to use most of their earlier costume DLC across LBP 2 as well as the upcoming LBP PS Vita and LBP Karting.

LBP Costumes

Hordes of costumes have been released for the iconic Sackboy and Sackgirl characters till date. The first two main entries to the series have been receiving costumes on a regular basis. These have all been inspired from other games as well as from pop culture. With this new feature, gamers will be allowed to transfer most of this DLC across three titles – LittleBigPlanet 2, LBP Vita, and LBP Karting. And that’s not all; each of the new costumes which they purchase will also be usable across all three games.

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“Customization is a BIG part of LittleBigPlanet. Being able to modify your Sackboy or Sackgirl is a way for players to personalize their experience, while also bringing a variety of different franchises and entertainment properties into the LBP universe. We recognize this and have decided that we can’t ask all you LittleBigPlaneteers to fully enjoy the upcoming LittleBigPlanet PS Vita and LittleBigPlanet Karting without an amazing assortment of costumes at your disposal,” wrote Steven Isbell, LittleBigPlanet Community Coordinator, on the official PlayStation blog.

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Since a high number of costumes qualify for this trait, it is going to take time to get them all ready for cross-game transfer. However, the makers of the title have assured that players will be getting most of them at launch, while others will be added later on. And for undisclosed reasons, either of the Assassin’s Creed costumes as well as the April Fools Fragrance costume won’t be made available for LBP Karting.

LittleBigPlanet PS Vita will be launched in North America on September 25, while LBP Karting will be seen coming out for the PS3 on November 6, 2012.

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