Sunday, April 7, 2024

Logitech making UMD drive add-on for PSPgo?

Logitech is known for its high quality peripheral devices and accessories, such as keyboards and gaming add-ons. But now video game web site CVG is reporting that a source has told them that the third party peripheral company Logitech is working on a UMD drive add-on for Sony’s PSPgo.

UMD drive add-on for PSPgo?

Apparently, this device will attach to the PSPgo, plugging into it, and will allow PSPgo users to play UMD games on it. “The only problem is that it’ll make the PSP a little bulky,” the source told the web site. While Logitech’s UK office said: “We’re not aware of it, so it may be something the US office is working on.”

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Now the PSPgo was created with digital content distribution in mind, doing away with the UMD drive altogether, adding in its place a healthy chunk of internal memory. This has not been officially confirmed and so remains a rumour. But wouldn’t it be sweet if it turned out to be real?

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