Sunday, April 7, 2024

EA Sports Introduces New Features for FIFA 11 Ultimate Team

Following the release of FIFA 11, EA Sports unleashed Ultimate Team as a free download for the Xbox 360 and PS3. The company has launched two new features dubbed Play A Friend Challenge and Friends Leaderboards along with 50 other improvements for FIFA 11 Ultimate Team.

FIFA 11 Ultimate Team Screenshot

A free-to-play game, FIFA 11 Ultimate Team boasts of over two million fans on its colossal online platform. The recently released attributes allow gamers to indulge in an even interactive play. They can now throw Play A Friend Challenge wherein a competition will test their prowess against that of a pal. Interestingly, this contest can be completed even while the selected friend is offline. The results of every play-off are recorded and will be popped out as the other player zooms into the online mode.

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The next addition namely Friends Leaderboards not only documents but also compares gamers’ progress as opposed to others. This personalized score card will automatically pitch players against their friends. Additionally, it has been designed to satiate needs of each individual gamer based on their style of play, team building capabilities and other factors. Besides, 50 supplementary enhancements have been incorporated to simplify the auction process and extend the ability for turning off Power Passing assistance during online gameplay amongst others.

The newly dished out FIFA 11 Ultimate Team features and improvements are now available for gamers across the US. Fans of the game in the Asian territory can boost their experience on the front with these assimilations starting February 24, 2011.

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